Stage III - Data Analysis, Mocks, and Cosmology

Leader: Jiajun Zhang

Stage III group is focusing on Data Analysis, Mock Map making and Cosmology. It is designated to take post-processed data from Stage II group, which is the 21cm IM map after component separation and perform cosmological analysis. It also takes the responsibility to generate mock maps for testing our whole pipeline.

Stage III

Alex Wuensche, INPE, Faculty
Andre A. Costa, CGC-YZU, Postdoc/Faculty
Bruno Benedito, INPE, PhD student
Camila Paiva Novaes, INPE, Postdoc
Chenxi Shan, SJTU, PhD student
Eduardo Mericia, INPE, PhD student
Elcio Abdalla, USP, Faculty
Elisa Ferreira, USP and Max Planck Institute of Astrophysics, Faculty/Postdoc
Filipe Abdalla, UCL, Faculty
Gabriel Augusto, INPE, PhD student
Jiajun Zhang, IBS, Postdoc
Jordany Vieira, USP, PhD student
Karin S. F. Fornazier, USP, Postdoc
Larissa Santos, CGC-YZU, Faculty
Pablo Motta, USP, PhD student
Rahima Mokeddem, UFES, PhD student
Ricardo Landim, Technical University of Munich, Postdoc
William Hipolito, UFES, Faculty
Yongkai Zhu, SJTU, PhD student
Zhenghao Zhu, SJTU, PhD student
Anzhong Wang, Baylor University, Faculty
Volker Bromm, University of Texas at Austin, Faculty
Mustapha Ishak, University of Texas at Dallas, Faculty
