

The BINGO Project aims at building a special purpose radio telescope to map redshifted neutral hydrogen emission between z = 0.13 and 0.45.
BINGO stands for Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations.
It is an international project with collaborators in Brazil, China, United Kingdom, France, South Africa, Germany, and United States. It is the only radio telescope that proposes mapping neutral gas as traced by the 21cm line on large angular scales at redshift z~0.3.


BINGO is an international collaboration led by the University of São Paulo (USP), with the main participation of National Institute for Space Research (INPE), and the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), in Brazil; Yangzhou University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China; University of Manchester and University College London, in England; Baylor University, University of Texas at Austin, and University of Texas at Dallas in the United States, plus collaborators from many other institutions.
Please, click the button below to know the whole team.



BINGO aims to understand the dark sector of the Universe. This investigation yields excellent opportunities for scientific development in several areas of research. 

Scientific Objectives​

Bingo aims to observe the 21-cm line emitted by the hyperfine interaction of the atomic hydrogen.

Instrument Optics​​

The requirements for the first phase of the project consider a large reflector system, illuminating a focal plane with 28 horns


The pipeline objective is to produce a time series, which can be turned into maps that simulate the signal picked up by the BINGO during a given period of operation.


BINGO has been developing scientific contributions in several branches.

Here you can follow all publications produced by BINGO collaboration, as well as its lastest results.


Since 2018, the BINGO Collaboration has been implementing several outreach activities attending different communities in Brazil, to spread scientific knowledge among students, school teachers, and other members of our society. Please, click on Learn More button to see our outreach actions. 
