Stage II - Pipeline

Leader: Larissa Santos

BINGO’s pipeline stage II is in charge of studying the sky maps generated by the radiotelescope. This step is the one responsible for making the data previously treated on stage I ready for scientific analysis, on stage III. In this group, the objects of study are processes such as the mapmaking, the component separation, the impact of instrumental noise on the maps, and the bispectrum analysis. Let’s take a look at a quick description of each one of these topics:
  • The mapmaking involves getting together the details of the pointing direction of the telescope at a given time with the time-ordered data, allowing the reconstruction of a sky map. Some effects must be considered, such as the distortions introduced by the telescope beam and the gathering of the multiple horns to form one final image of the sky.
  •  The component separation is the set of methods used to separate the HI signal, which contains information about the BAO, from the contaminants, such as galactic signals or the cosmic microwave background (CMB).
  • The instrumental noise is the signal that was not captured directly in the detector but appeared in the final results. This is the main effect of the electronic circuits, which produce white noise and 1/f noise, and must be taken into account in the analysis.
  • The bispectrum is a statistical quantity used to detect the non-gaussianity present in the maps, which can probe the distribution and behavior of the HI in our Universe.
Since there is no empirical data from the telescope yet, all of these studies are done with numerical codes that simulate the different information, based on previous articles published in the scientific literature, which are end-to-end analyzed in order to verify their validity.
Stage II

Alex Wuensche, INPE, faculty
Camila Paiva Novaes, INPE, postdoc
Eduardo Mericia, INPE, PhD student
Filipe Abdalla, UCL, faculty
Giancarlo de Gasperis, University of Rome “tor Vergata”, faculty
Jacques Delabrouille, Université Paris Diderot and Université Paris, faculty
Jia Rui, University of Science and Technology of China, student
Jiajun Zhang, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Korea, postdoc Saclay, faculty
João Alberto de Moraes Barretos, USP, PhD student
Karin S. F. Fornazier, USP, postdoc
Larissa Santos, Yangzhou University, faculty
Mathieu Remazeilles, University of Manchester, faculty
Qingqing Wang, University of Science and Technology of China, student
Ricardo Landim, Technical University of Munich, postdoc
Vincenzo Liccardo, INPE, postdoc
Thyrso Villela, CGEE/INPE/UnB, faculty
Anzhong Wang, Baylor University, Faculty
Volker Bromm, University of Texas at Austin, Faculty
Mustapha Ishak, University of Texas at Dallas, Faculty